Connor has turned a huge corner. I did not believe the nurse and physical therapist that it would get easier after we finish turning. Well I was proven wrong! We have decreased the amount of pain meds Connor gets to just before PT and stretches. We are beginning to taper off the Neurontin, this is not a med the dr said we can just stop we need to take him off slowly.
Physical therapy has improved dramatically. He still gets some pain and discomfort while bending his knee but no where near the pain it was. Our happy fun loving Connor is back!!! Smiles all the time and telling everyone about how excited he is to have his fixinator and make his little leg big. He does not remember those really bad days and I thank God for that everyday!! Connor uses his crutches mainly but is even walking around the house without anything!! He is beginning to remove the knee stabilizing bar at PT and walking without it. It is a challenge for him but he will be walking without that as well before we know it. Connor walks on the treadmill and does the wii fit board at PT. He has come such a long way and I am so incredibly proud of him!!
Some of the summer fun we have had is a lot of time with GG at aunt Laurie's swimming. And time playing with Mawmaw. But we have also had lots of Brenden baseball games and seen some movies. I plan on trying to see some of the 250 STL cakes also.
We are excited to be meeting a lot of PFFD families this weekend at the first Midwest PFFD picnic. Hopefully we can help answer questions for families trying to make the best decisions for their child and for Connor to meet kids who are all special just like him!!
As far as his bone looks we did X-rays and everything looks great and right on track. I did not ask when the frame will come off, I don't want to rush because this takes time. So we just take things one at a time and are trying to make this a fun summer vacation.
Hope this post finds you all well and enjoying the summer!